500 Card Game How To: Learn the Basics and Win

Are you looking for an exciting card game to play with friends or family? Look no further than the classic game of 500. This trick-taking game has been a favorite for generations, and with a little practice, you can quickly become a master. In this article, we’ll guide you through the basics of the game, the rules, and strategies for winning.

Understanding the Basics of 500

Before diving into the rules and strategies of the game, it’s essential to understand the basics of 500. The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, and four players are required to play. The game’s objective is to score 500 points by winning tricks, with the first player or team to reach 500 points declared the winner.

To start the game, the dealer shuffles the deck and deals ten cards to each player. The remaining two cards are placed in the center of the table, with the top card turned face up. The suit of the upturned card becomes the trump suit for that round.

The player to the left of the dealer makes the first bid, with each player given the chance to bid or pass. The bidding process determines the trump suit for the round and the number of tricks the bidder aims to win. The highest bidder becomes the declarer, with their partner becoming the dummy.

Once the bidding process is complete, the declarer leads the first trick, with other players following suit. The highest card of the leading suit or the highest trump card wins the trick, with the winner leading the next trick.

Rules of 500

To master the game of 500, it’s essential to understand the rules. The game’s rules include the bidding process, the trump suit, and scoring.

Bidding and the Bid Hierarchy

The bidding process is a crucial part of the game, as it determines the trump suit for the round and the number of tricks the declarer aims to win. The bidding process starts with the player to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise. Each player has the opportunity to bid or pass, with the highest bidder becoming the declarer.

The bid hierarchy starts with the lowest bid of six, increasing by increments of one to ten. The next highest bid is “misere,” where the declarer aims to lose every trick. The highest bid is “no-trump,” where there is no trump suit for the round.

Trump Suit and Its Importance

The trump suit is the suit selected during the bidding process, and it’s essential to winning tricks. Any card of the trump suit will win over any other suit, including the leading suit. If a player doesn’t have a card of the leading suit, they can play any card, including a trump card.

Scoring and Winning Tricks

The game’s objective is to score 500 points by winning tricks. Each trick is worth ten points, with an additional ten points awarded for any trick won after the declarer has made their bid. If the declarer fails to meet their bid, they lose ten points for each trick short of their bid. If the declarer wins their bid, they receive ten points for each trick won, plus any additional points for overtricks. The game ends when one player or team reaches 500 points.

In the next sections, we’ll discuss strategies for winning at 500 and popular variations of the game.

Rules of 500 (Continued)

Scoring and Winning Tricks (Continued)

It’s essential to keep track of the cards played during the game, as it can help you determine which cards are still in play and which ones have already been played. Additionally, keeping track of the cards played can help you predict which cards your opponents may have, allowing you to make better decisions during the game.

Knowing when to bid and when to pass is crucial to winning at 500. Bidding too high can result in losing points, while bidding too low can result in missing out on points. It’s essential to consider factors such as the cards in your hand, the trump suit, and the bids made by your opponents when deciding whether to bid or pass.

Effective card play techniques can also help you win at 500. For example, leading with a low card can force your opponents to play their high cards, allowing you to win with your high cards later in the game. Additionally, playing a trump card early in the game can help you gain control of the trump suit and win more tricks.

Strategies for Winning at 500

To win at 500, it’s essential to have a solid strategy in place. Here are some tips to help you improve your game:

Importance of Keeping Track of Cards Played

As mentioned earlier, keeping track of the cards played during the game can help you make better decisions. By paying attention to the cards played, you can determine which cards are still in play and which ones have already been played. This can help you predict which cards your opponents may have and increase your chances of winning.

Knowing When to Bid and When to Pass

Knowing when to bid and when to pass can be the difference between winning and losing. It’s essential to consider factors such as the cards in your hand, the trump suit, and the bids made by your opponents. If you have a strong hand and the trump suit, it may be worth bidding high. However, if you have a weak hand, it may be better to pass and wait for a better opportunity.

Effective Card Play Techniques

Effective card play techniques can help you gain control of the game and win more tricks. For example, leading with a low card can force your opponents to play their high cards, allowing you to win with your high cards later in the game. Additionally, playing a trump card early in the game can help you gain control of the trump suit and win more tricks.

In the next section, we’ll discuss popular variations of 500 and how to play them.

Variations of 500

Like most card games, 500 has several variations that are popular in different parts of the world. Some variations include differences in the rules, gameplay, and scoring. Some popular variations of the game include:

Auction 500

Auction 500 is a variation of the game where players bid for the right to become the declarer. The highest bidder becomes the declarer, and their partner becomes the dummy. The game is played similarly to traditional 500, with the difference being the bidding process.

Two-Handed 500

Two-Handed 500 is a variation of the game played with only two players. The game is played similarly to traditional 500, with the difference being that the dummy hand is not used. Each player is dealt ten cards, with the remaining two cards placed in the center of the table. The highest bidder becomes the declarer, and gameplay continues as normal.

Progressive 500

Progressive 500 is a variation of the game played with a progressive scoring system. Each player or team starts with a predetermined number of points, with the objective being the first player or team to reach the final score. The number of points awarded for each trick increases as the game progresses, with the final round worth the most points.


Learning how to play 500 is a fun and challenging experience that can be enjoyed with friends and family. By understanding the basics of the game, the rules, and strategies for winning, you can quickly become a master. Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different variations of the game to keep things interesting. So, start playing 500 today and join the millions of people worldwide who love this exciting card game. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to check out Burgos City for more great content!

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